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Grievance Redressal

The grievance redressal committee of KPRCAS has been constituted to take care of the grievances of students, faculty, parents, and all stakeholders. Any stakeholder with a genuine grievance can approach the Grievance redressal committee.

The grievances of the stakeholders can be emailed to [email protected] or written and dropped into the grievance redressal  box kept in the administrative block and also register through the website.

All the grievances will be addressed in an unbiased manner with utmost confidentiality.

  • To expedite the grievance redressal process and uphold confidentiality.
  • To have an unbiased redressal approach towards the grievances.
  • To ensure a mechanism to develop a responsive and accountable attitude among all stakeholders
  • To foster a harmonial relationship among the students and faculty
  • To provide a platform to express the grievances without any fear.
  • To address the grievances amicably in a time bound manner within a maximum of 15 days from the receipt of application.
  • To have a fair investigation and arrive at a reasonable and reliable solution based on the actual facts.
  • To protect the privacy of all the concerned stake holders

The Grievances may broadly include the following complaints of the aggrieved students. Grievances related to :

  • Academics – Admissions, Assessment, Conduct of examinations, library, issuing of certificates etc.
  • Non-Academics – Extension and Extracurricular activities
  • Amenities & Maintenance – hostel accommodation, quality of food, stationery shop in campus, computer facilities, drinking water, sanitation & house-keeping, security, medical facilities, ATM etc
  • Placements & Internships- On-campus or Off-campus interviews, internships, value added courses and soft skill training etc
  • General administration – collection of fee, HR issues, transport, road safety, general discipline etc
  • Sexual harassment, gender discrimination, ragging etc.

Matters relating to the following will not be taken up by the GRC

  • Award of prizes, medals, fee concessions etc
  • Disciplinary matters and misconduct
  • Recruitment / Enrolment and selection of faculty/students/staff
  • Decisions of the competent authority on continuous assessment and examination results
  • Decisions of the Academic Council/Other Academic Committees constituted by KPRCAS
  • Complaints involving policy matters
  • Anonymous or frivolous complaints

Dr. S. Balusamy

Dr. P. Sharmila 
Dean, Computing Science

Dr. C. Balakrishnan
HoD, B.Com B&I

Dr. K. Kumutha Devi 
Dean, Commerce 

Dr. P. Syam Sundar
Dean, Management

Dr. G. Satyavathy 

Dr. T. Hemalatha 