The faculty members and students have involved themselves in extension activities and community development programmes through special programmes organised.
The NSS is aimed at developing the personality of the NSS volunteers through social service.The NSS has endeavoured its best in its service. The motto “NOT ME BUT YOU” is well adhered to and community services are rendered through special camps by way of conducting Blood Donation Camps, Eye Camps and General Medical Camps in various adopted villages.
The students have taken part in rallies and outreaching programmes conducted by Social organizations. They participated in Road Safety awareness and Save the Plants programmes.
Students joined with Target Zero, Pollachi have organized an awareness programme “Clean India” (SWACHH BHARAT) on 18.08.2019 in Monkey Falls, Pollachi.The Environment and Wild conservation Trust, Target Zero conducted their 61th week of field work in the region of Pollachi. NSS team has organized awareness programme on “Road Safety” on 22.08.2019. Mr. Shanmugam, Inspector, Police Station, Karumathampatti took part in Road Safety Awareness and he gave a speech of Road Safety and road rules & regulation for safest life for students. He shared valuable points among the public about wearing helmet, slow driving, knowing signals, not to ride bike fast, crossroad and pedestrian crossing and not to cross road at bends.