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Dr Ande Hari Hara Nath Reddy

Faculty Profile


Dr.  Ande Hari Hara Nath Reddy MBA., PhD.,



He has obtained his BA degree from Osmania University, Hyderabad.He went on to secure MBA degree from Sri Krishna Deva Raya University, Anantapur, Andhrapradesh , with Marketing and Human Resources Management as specializations.He earned his Doctorate in Marketing Management from Sri Krishna Deva Raya University, Anantapur, Andhrapradesh in the year 2010,June. He has completed 25 years of teaching in Management by working in various MBA colleges in Andhra Pradesh including 1 year and 4 months of Teaching stint at KPRCAS, Coimbatore.So far ,he has published 18 papers in various UGC care and Scopus listed Journals. He has,to his credit got 15 book chapters published in various edited books, bringing out various National and International Conference Proceedings.He also holds 2 patents in Management.Also acted as Resource person for ED Cell of KSRMCE, Kadapa for many years.He has published 6 textbooks sofar ,in the areas of Consumer Behaviour,Training and Development, Organisation Behaviour,HRD, International Business and Digital Marketing.