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Dr. G. Sathyavathy

Faculty Profile

Dr. G. Sathyavathy

M.C.A., MPhil., Ph.D.,

Professor & Head

Computer Science with Data Analytics


Dr.G.Satyavathy completed her Ph.D in Computer Applications under Anna University in 2014.She holds M.Phil in Computer Science under Bharathidasan University in 2005.She is Mastered in Computer Applications under Bharathiar University in 1999.She holds an Bachelors Degree in Physics from Bharathiar University.

She has a teaching experience of 23 years from various institutions. She has her 30+ research papers published in reputed peer reviewed International and National Journals. She has presented 40+ papers in International and National Conferences and has also published 8 books.

She is a recognized research supervisor under Bharathiar University and there are several students pursuing Ph.D and M.Phil under her guidance. She is a Doctoral Committee member for various Universities. She is an Editor and Reviewer for various peer reviewed International Journals. She has also served as a University Representative for Bharathiar University Examinations. She is a Board of Studies member for Bharathiar University as well as for many Autonomous Colleges.

Adding to the accolades, she has received the “Best Teacher Award”, “Best Library User Award” and “100 % Attendance Award. She is the Project Director for the Minor Research Project “Analyzing the Impact of Media Usage on the Different kinds of Abuse over Girl Children in India” sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science and Research (ICSSR) to the tune of Rs.3,00,000/-.She is a Life Member of International Association of Engineers(IAENG).Her thrust on research and teaching interests include Networking, Image Processing, Information Security and Mobile Computing.