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Dr. G. Vengatesan

Faculty Profile

Dr. G. Vengatesan

M.Com (CA), MBA, Ph.D.,

Associate Professor & Head 

Dept. of Commerce with Business Analytics

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Dr G Vengatesan, Associate Professor & Head, Department of Commerce [Business Analytics]in School of Commerce, KPR College of Arts Science and Research, Arasur, Coimbatore. He has earned a Bachelor Degree of B. Com (Computer Applications) and a Master’s Degree in M. Com (Computer Applications) from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. He completed his MBA with the specializations of Systems and Human Resources from BIM (Bharathidasan Institute of Management), Trichy. He earned his Doctoral Degree in the specialization of Human Resources from Bharathiar University during the year 2017.


He has 14 years of experience in the field of Commerce with Computer Applications. He has published nearly 32 research articles covering the areas of Marketing, Human Resources, and Analytics in UGC Care list and Scopus. He is also connected with social aspects by attending around 36 National, International Conferences, and symposiums.  He holds three patents in the field of Tourism at the micro-level and macro levels. He has received many awards and recognitions from various associations in Coimbatore and Delhi. He holds five Association Professional Memberships in the fields of Commerce and Management. He has acted as a resource person in various reputed Institutions in Coimbatore. He has published three books in the field of Commerce and Management.