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Dr.R. Vasanthi

Faculty Profile

Dr R Vasanthi

Dr. R. Vasanthi

M.Com., M.Phil., PGDCA., Ph.D., SET., 

Associate Professor

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She has completed M.Com.,M.Phil.,PGDCA.,Ph.D and qualified SET. She is having 16 years of experience in Teaching and Research. Her specialization is Finance. She received a funded minor project from UGC on the topic “E-filing of Income Tax Returns: Awareness, Satisfaction and Difficulties of Salaried Assessees” and two seed money projects from various institutions. She published 17 research articles in UGC approved journals and 8 articles in UGC Care List with the Google Scholar Citation-13, H index citation -2 and 1-10 index -1. She presented papers at national and international conferences organized by various institutions. She acted as a resource person for workshops and guest lectures in various institutions. She attended nearly twenty five Faculty Development Programs and ten workshops organized by various institutions. Her specialized papers are Income Tax, Financial Management, Principles of Management, Cost Accounting and Management Accounting.