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Dr. R. Naveen Kumar

Faculty Profile

Dr. R. naveen Kumar 

MBA., Ph.D., 

Associate  Professor


Dr Naveen Kumar R served as a full time teaching faculty at India and Foreign Universities. He obtained his BSc Computer Science from Bharathiar University and MBA from Anna University. His research degree PhD awarded from Karpagam University in Management.

He holds 13 Years of teaching experience in India and Foreign Countries. He authored various books, published famous articles in Journals, presented research papers in International and National heights and awarded for his excellence in research presentation in marketing and related areas. He has undergone a community development research project funded by the Ethiopian government in the year 2021 and successfully delivered the desired results.

His interests found in enterprise development, mobile commerce and digital marketing. He is an active personality of various associations and reviewing member of different board widely. Learning of business model always his high time interest and that coined him to prepare and conceptualize various books with a team of expert members.

He believed that modern business thoughts would change the enterprising arena, and he uses it to inspire and empower young people for their references.