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Research & Development Cell

KPR College of Arts Science and Research is on its course to be among the top notch institutions in India and across the globe in a short span of time. This document provides information on the research policy & promotional activities of KPRCAS.  The policy aims at ensuring that the research activities of the college conform to all applicable rules and regulations of all the statutory bodies such as affiliating University UGC. etc. Established standards and norms relating to safety, ethics and environment will be fully complied during the conduct of any research activity.

  • To create an in house milieu to foster research culture and provide the needed support through research framework and guidelines.
  • To ensure high level of appropriate and effective support system to facilitate faculty and researchers in their research activities.
  • To encourage publications in quality journals, indexed in Scopus/Web of Science    UGC CARE/ABDC journals and other reputed peer reviewed journals.
  • To promote an interdisciplinary forum for National and International collaboration.
  • To encourage, maintain and support research activities in the college and strengthen the research and scientific mindset among the students and faculty through a system of incentives and rewards.
  • All students   and faculty undertaking research are expected to maintain high standards of integrity, honesty and professionalism.
  • Create and maintain research infrastructure in terms of equipment, research journals, book and software.
  • Develop a policy framework that encourages researchers through concessions, incentives and awards.
  • Develop and implement an official Code of Ethics to check malpractices and plagiarism in research.
  • Promote Interdepartmental / interdisciplinary research.
  • Identify the research areas.
  • Procure Research Equipment, Books, Journals and Soft wares.
  • Create Research Budget
  • Recommend Incentives for research activities
  • Assign individual and Departmental target for research activities.
  • Monitor the Target Vs Actuals of individuals, departments and College
  • Counsel faculty and students.