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Data Analytics Conference

second  International Conference on
recent trends in computer science and data analytics
   february 2, 2024

About the Institution

KPR College of Arts Science and Research offers 15 undergraduate courses, which are exclusively for Business, Commerce and Computer Science Stream. KPR CAS is the contemporary inclusion of the KPR Fleet. Our Chairman K. P. Ramasamy, presides over the college through KPR Charities. The KPR Group is one of the largest conglomerates in the country with the interests in Textiles, Sugar, Wind Turbines, Automobiles and Education. The college was established in the year 2019 with a vision of providing highly influential Academics and Life Skills for students, thereby serving the nation and beyond.

Character building and Leadership qualities are inculcated into the students to make them responsible citizens focusing on the development of society and nation. A plethora of clubs and Events encourages the students to take part in sports and other cultural activities.

The students of KPRCAS experience extensive training not only in the Syllabus and Curriculum of the affiliating University but also in a diverse region which emerges the graduates to meet the vast demand of the competing Industrial and corporate world. The students are equipped with the Skills and Knowledge needed to winch Leadership Positions to develop the society.

About the Department

The Department of Computer Science with Data Analytics has been established in the academic year 2020-2021. The curriculum focuses on developing Knowledge and Skills in high-demand Data Science Competencies including Programming, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Database Management, and Data Visualization. Value Added and Certificate course curriculum is designed to bridge the gap between the Industry and Academics. It is meticulously reviewed by many Industry Experts, Academicians, and other Stakeholders. The Department supports the students to obtain ample knowledge in the theory of Computer Science with hands-on experience in relevant domains and tools. The department is well equipped with excellent Infrastructural facilities with upgraded Laboratories and Smart Classrooms for Teaching & Learning. The department supports the students to gain exposure to research models and industry-standard applications in data science through Guest Lectures, Seminars, Projects, etc.

DA Conference Brochure

About the Conference

International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Data Analytics (ICRTCSDA-2024) is a prestigious event organized with a motivation to provide an excellent platform for the academicians, researchers, engineers, industrial participants and budding students around the world to share their research findings with the global experts. ICRTCSDA-2024 will be held in Coimbatore, India on 2nd February 2024.

The key intention of ICRTCSDA-2024 is to provide opportunity for the global participants to share their ideas and experience in both real and virtual environments with their peers who are expected to join from different parts of the world. In addition, this gathering will help the delegates to establish research or business relations as well as to find international linkage for future collaborations in their career path. We hope that ICRTCSDA-2024 outcome will lead to significant contributions to the knowledge base in these contemporary scientific fields in scope.

The conference would offer a large number of invited lectures from renowned speakers throughout the globe. Best Paper awards will be given for the papers reviewed to make the most significant contribution to the conference.

Payment Details

Account name: The Principal, KPRCAS

Bank: Federal bank

Account No.: 10920100196226

IFSC Code: FDRL0001092

Branch: Coimbatore

For Correspondence

Dr. T. Genish 

Associate Professor 

Dr. D. Maheswari 

Computer Science with Data Analytics

8754246272 / 9994153903 

E-Mail ID:

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